- Elements of the sublime = fascination with terror, awe, wonder. -all emotional/feelings/states of physical being
- Mystery, power of obscurity
- Language shifts, ambiguous dialogue
- Unreliability of narrator
- religion, governess' father was a county parson-she could be beacon of faith
- children angelic, light, corruption of innocence
- describes vision a lot- governess unreliable- over-active imagination?
- Light, terror happens most at night
- dialogue can be restricted, commas give breathless feel to create tense character
- imprisonment
The monk
- Banned from publication
- attack on brutality and hypocrisy of the Catholic church
- poison, rape, incarceration= original Goths barbaric
- Elements of the sublime
- reflects anger at churches history
- focused more in horror than romance
- terror Gothic- interior mental process
- broke typical stereotypes of location
- first novel to feature priest as villain
- woman represents servant of Satan
- demonic temptress, the wandering Jew, bleeding nun
- diabolous dx machina
- use of morality tale- lack of divine intervention
- Main character is a vampire
- death and revenge, secrets
- romance between two characters
- First Gothic novel
- translation of Italian story
- then was dismissed as romantic
- supernatural and magic - made it more relate-able by making the characters more human
- castles
- The nature of Heathcliff and Catherine is reflected in the wild elements of the local moors
- Death and disease afflict virtually all characters
- destructive love
- When Heathcliff disappears, a tree is struck by lightening, there is a storm the night Catherine is buried- storms signal danger and conflict
- Death is a reoccuring theme- set in an age when mortality rate was high and death was a part of everyday life
- Wuthering heights house described as a fortress; small windows look inwards and give no welcome
- chained gate and gaunt thorns and narrow windows of the house create a chilling and unwelcoming atmosphere
- Heathcliff opens Cathy's coffin
- Boundaries are surpassed, specifically love crossing the boundaries between life and death
- Heathcliff's transgressing social class
- Gothic trappings of imprisonment and escape
- terrifying dreams, appearances of Cathy as a ghost
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