Thursday 25 October 2012


  • "Henry deeply felt the misfortune of being debarred from a liberal education" A situation that he has in common with Victor. Walton and Clerval both has fathers who do not with for them to explore. "saw idleness and ruin in the aspirations and ambitions of his son"


  • Selfless, "she forgot even her own regrets in her endeavour to make us forget." Shows the humanity of Elizabeth that even though she herself is undergoing hardship and internal turmoil, she put the emotional well-being of her family at the foreground of her agenda. Sharp contrast to how Victor turns away the monster due to his own internal feelings of horror in order to look after his own creation, who could even been seen as his own son, showing inhumanity and a lack of paternal instincts. 
  • When Elizabeth writes the letter to Victor, and  discusses that she "regretted not being able to perform it by myself" Reminiscent to Victors mother wanting to look after Elizabeth. Could portray the idea that the maternal bond is stronger than the paternal as Victor loathes his creation.
  • "My uncle is not pleased with the idea of a military career in a distant country" The idea of travelling is still looked at with dismay by people in this century.
  • Even seemingly good characters like Elizabeth are weak to human traits such as judging based on looks. "Her ugly sister" 
  • "A fellow creature about to perish through the cowardice of her pretended friends" She is again falseness and is unhappy that all the the people who supposedly supported Justine has suddenly turned on her- is ignorant to the fact that Victor knows it wasn't her and is willing to let her die so he doesn't have to reveal to all about his creation. 
  • "Endeavouring to plunge me into the abyss" Foreshadowing her death. 

Saturday 6 October 2012

Frankenstein's monster

  • "Dull yellow eye"
  • "convulsive motion agitated its limbs"
  • "His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath"
Victors perspective on the monsters birth:
"white sockets" 
"Breathless horror and disgust" - Revolution at the creature
The monsters perspective on it's birth:
"how dare you sport thus with life" 
"miserable beyond all living things"
"height is superior" - clear understanding of himself and capabilities. in control.
"Strange multiplicity of sensations"
"saw, felt, heard and smelt at the same time" 
"Joints more supple"
"I felt light, hunger and thirst and darkness" - human instincts
"all men hate the wretched, how then must I be hated" views self in extremely negative manner, recognises Victors views. Attributes of a parent/child relationship? monster has learned and based behaviour on his reaction.
"have I not suffered enough" a creation of pain, he has been through hardship,  very human attribute.

"More hideous than belongs to humanity" Basing the Monsters ability to fit in on looks, judgemental, does humanity require a certain standard of appearance? The importance of image has increased greatly over the years. In the 18th century, it was not just about physical image, but the image your family portrayed. 

In a similar  scenario to Justine in that she was accused of something she didn't do, and suffered for it and the creation suffered for it's appearance, something that was out of his control. Both relate back to Victor as he created the monster and is therefore responsible for how he looks, and the monster killed William, but would not have found himself in that scenario has he not been created by Victor or brought up and raised by him.

"As it were instinctively, finding myself so desolate" The creation has instincts, feels hunger, thirst and desolation, all human attributes.

"perceived me, shrieking loudly, and, quitted the hut" People are scared of the creatures appearance despite the fact that his personality is very human. 
"grievously bruised by stones" Attacked by people because of his appearance, shows the inhumanity of some people
Finds somewhere to comfortably rest and live- basic instincts
Learns to fear humans as he remembered his treatment from the night before. - similar to animal, when they have not come into contact with humans they don't fear them, but once they are captured they fear them.
Articulate- grasped the human language far quicker than any baby would, indication of superhuman ability. 
Animalism instincts- to feed self, drink and rest and keep warm and sheltered. "Here the snow and rain could not penetrate" Finds all of this through nature, unlike most humans, has no need for materialistic possessions. Superior quality? 
Curiosity- searches hut with disregard to the thought that it belongs to someone. 
"His appearance, different from any I had ever before seen, and his flight, somewhat surprised me" Despite unfamiliarity with the looks of the man, the creation does not fear or loath him. Non-judgemental, unlike all of the humans,does not show prejudice towards people different from him, human nature to prejudge? 
Shows intelligence that far surpasses most of the people in the era. "pandemonium appeared to the demons of hell after their sufferings in the lake of fire" Unexplained intelligence, has only been alive for  while, has not had access to books yet. 
"It was noon" concept of time grasped
"I crept from my kennel" Being compared to a dog, low view of himself.
Appreciation for beauty- "never beheld aught beautiful before" 
Recognition of a daily routine, life's daily tasks "This day was passed in the same routine" 
Learns of family love through the family he watches, "love and respect which the young cottagers exhibited towards their venerable companion" 
Compassionate- "I was deeply affected by it" (concerning seeing the young man crying)
Begins to do deeds for the family which help them- selfless quality, wishes to help people and use his strength in order to make manual labour tasks unnecessary for the family. 
Learns to speak English through listening to the family and associating words with specific objects, things, or people. 
Learned to read facial expressions through the family
Thinks the family will accept him based on the fact that they unknowingly think he is a "good spirit, wonderful" and that his "gentle demure and conciliating words" will help them accept and love him. Craves "their favour, and afterwards their love"
Monster becomes aware that humans value possessions and money and begins his downwards spiral into despair and anger.
Feels betrayed by his own maker as watching the family dynamic of the family makes him realise how alone he is. 
The monster, whose solitude stems from being the only creature of his kind in existence and from being shunned by humanity, senses this quality of being different most powerfully. His deformity, his ability to survive extreme conditions, and the grotesque circumstances of his creation all serve to mark him as the ultimate outsider. Victor, too, is an outsider, as his awful secret separates him from friends, family, and the rest of society.
Language and communication take centre stage in these chapters, as the monster emerges from his infantile state and begins to understand and produce written and spoken language.
Reads classic literature of his own accord, wants to learn, wanted to "exercise my mind"

Reading these books makes him question his own being. ponders very philosophical questions "who was I?" 
Compares himself to Adam in Paradise lost, both created by a 'father'. God made Adam, Victor could be seen as God to the creation and both the creation and Adam go against their creator. Both first of their kind. 
Reads victors journal of when he created the monster and is heartbroken to read how much he is loathed and found disgusting by his own creator. "Satan had his companions...but I am solitary and abhorred"
Saw himself in the water's reflection and was unhappy
"No eve soothed my sorrows" Really lonely, pines for a female companion, even Adam, whom he believes he is very similar too, has a mate. He, unlike Adam doesn't even has the care of his creator "He had abandoned me: and in the bitterness of my heart, I cursed him."
Knows the easiest way to gain acceptance is through the blind father as he will not be persuaded by the monsters appearance. Shows the creations understanding that looks are what the humans judge, and only when they are unable to see what a person looks like, will they judge based on personality. "the hearts of men, when unprejudiced by any obvious self-interest, are full of brotherly love and charity" Ironic as the De Lacy family are frightened of him. Shelley indicating that all men are prejudice by self interest
"I was like a wild beast that had broken the toils" Another self comparison to an animal, now that the creation has suffered another despair and rejection from those he loves, finally accepted his animal instincts, forced to because of his rejection from man. What drives a monster is its surroundings, shaped by experiences- no one born a monster, only become a monster through external circumstance?
"The cold stars shone in mockery" no longer finds serenity in the presence of nature- the beauty of nature contrasts him so greatly it feels like mockery. 
"I declared everlasting war against the species" Distinguishes between himself and the humans, no longer associates himself with them. Given up hope- no longer wishes to try and bond with a species that abhorred him so much.  
"state of utter and stupid despair" heights of emotion shows he human in his mind. feels the extremes of emotion. 
"Nature decayed around me" Not only is he faced with the hatred of the humans, it seems like nature has too turned it's back on him. completely alone. 
Despite his earlier utter hatred for the human race, still has compassion towards them, would not let one die if its within his power to help. Thrown back in his face, yet another experience for the creation of having helped people with no thanks, instead being attacked and hated. " I had saved a human being from destruction, and, as a recompense, I now writhed under the miserable pain of a wound" Life is continually unfair and cruel to him. Feel compassion towards the creature as he has done no wrong.
Believes that children should be unprejudiced "lived too short a time to have imbibed a horror of deformity" 
"you are an ogre" Even the young ostracise the ugly and different.
"My heart swelled with exultation and hellish triumph" Embracing his revenge and his feelings of compassion have no gone. Was pushed too far. 
Mind has turned sly and cruel, tries to hide the picture of Williams mother in the dress of the woman sleeping in the barn. 
Still admires beauty "In spite of my malignity, it softened and attracted me" 
Tells Victor to create him a woman companion who will "have the same defects" unhappy being the only being that is cast out due to his looks. 
Chapter 17
Demands a female companion- in order to no longer be alone in the world. "whom i can can live in the interchange of those sympathies neccassary for my being" The creation is so lonely, has no one to console him. deserved of a female companion? Even lucifer had his demons, and Adam had Eve- Paradise Lost.
Intelligent-"instead of threatening, I am content ro reason with you"
His speech shows the depth of emotions that he has felt and Shelley uses this to spark emotions with the reader on the side of the creation.
Evident how much the creation wants a mate- despite usually being benevolent, he says " until i desolate your heart, so that you shall curse the hour of your birth".
Feels it is Victors right to create him a mate. "Let me feel gratitude towards you for one benefit"
The creation shows human characteristics- he can see and read "he saw my change of feeling"
Vows to never come back and to live in the "vast wilds of South America"
Very persuasive, his language is very emotive and helps make Victor eventually agree, despite being completely against it in the beginning.
Ambiguity- The monsters intentions seem to be sincere but unsure whether he is telling the truth. "May not this be a feint that will increase your triumph by affording a wider scope for revenge?" The internal battle in deciding whether the creation can be trusted or not
Justice- As Walpole said in the preface to The castle of Otronto,  that "the sins of the fathers are visited on their children to the third and fourth generation" Victor realises the concequences of casting the creation out and decides "the justice due both to him and my fellow-creatures demanded of me that I should comply with his request" 
"and fear not but that when you are ready I shall appear" This statement strikes fear into the hearts of the reader- implies the creation is an all-knowing and omnipotent figure as he is aware of Victors moves without him knowing. Indication that the creature is always one step ahead, fearful for the future as if Victor does not comply with his request, he will not be physically able to escape the creations wrath.